8 Uncommon Islamic Stories for Kids and Teaching

Islamic Stories for Kids

Ever feel like you’re the only one who forgets their lunch or the whole class seems to laugh at your jokes (except maybe the goldfish)?

Well, buckle up because these 8 Islamic stories for kids are full of prophets, people, and even ants (don’t worry, not the bitey kind!), who faced challenges just like YOU! 

Get ready for epic adventures, heartwarming friendships, and lessons that’ll make you laugh, think, and maybe even feel a little braver! Let’s dive in, shall we?

1. Feeling Fishy Out of Water? Meet Prophet Yunus (AS)! (That’s Jonah to Some!)

Have you ever gotten in trouble and wished you could just disappear? Well, guess what? Prophet Yunus (AS), also known as Jonah in some stories, kind of did just that! But instead of hiding under the bed, he ended up in a place even fishier than a cafeteria fish stick. Yep, you guessed it – inside a giant fish!

What’s the big takeaway? Even when you mess up, Allah (SWT) is always there for you – if you just ask for forgiveness! This story reminds us that everyone makes mistakes, but with a little courage and a whole lot of faith, we can always find our way back on track.

Want to see Prophet Yunus’s splashy adventure for yourself?  Check out the cool video below to see how this fishy tale unfolds!  (Don’t worry, there are no scary parts, just a whale of a good time!)

2. The People of the Cave Have You Covered!

Feeling like everyone around you doesn’t get you? Imagine living in a town where EVERYONE believes in something different than you!  That’s exactly what happened to the People of the Cave. These brave souls stood up for what they believed in, even when it meant hiding in a cave (way cooler than your room, for sure!).

What’s the big takeaway? It’s okay to be different! This story shows us that even when you’re outnumbered, staying true to your beliefs is always the right thing to do. Plus, who knows, maybe you’ll even get a magical nap out of it! (Just kidding… kind of.)

Want to see how the People of the Cave chilled out for years (without ice cream!)? Check out the video below to see their amazing story unfold!

3. The Story Of Prophet Yusuf | English Islam Stories For Kids

Ever had a dream so amazing you just had to tell everyone about it? Well, Prophet Yusuf (AS) had a dream that involved the whole sky bowing down to him – talk about epic! But his jealous brothers (not exactly the best cheerleaders) didn’t exactly share his enthusiasm. In fact, things got a little bumpy for Yusuf (AS) after that.

What’s the big takeaway? Don’t let anyone dim your light! This story reminds us that even when faced with challenges, if you hold onto your dreams and stay true to yourself, amazing things can happen. Plus, who knows, maybe your siblings will even apologize someday (okay, maybe not, but a boy can dream!).

Want to see how Prophet Yusuf’s (AS) dream unfolded into an incredible adventure? Check out the video below to see his amazing story come to life!

4. The Story of the White Ants

Tired of doing chores all by yourself?  Wish you had some awesome teammates to help out?  Well, buckle up because the White Ants are here to show you the power of teamwork! These tiny creatures faced a seemingly impossible task, but by working together, they accomplished something truly amazing.

What’s the big takeaway?  We’re all stronger together! This story reminds us that even the smallest of us can achieve great things when we work together. So next time you have a job to do, remember the White Ants and see if you can find a friend (or two, or ten!) to help you out.

Want to see how these little ants accomplished a BIG task? Check out the video below to see their incredible story unfold!

Related: Story of Ibrahim and Ismail in Quran

5. Noah Knows the Weather: Prophet Nuh and the Ark

Ever feel like you’re the only one who sees what’s coming? Well, Prophet Nuh (AS) knew there was a big storm on the horizon, but nobody believed him! Undeterred, he built a giant boat (think ultimate treehouse, but way more waterproof) to save his family and the animals.

What’s the big takeaway? Be prepared! This story reminds us that even when things seem tough, if you listen to your gut and have faith, you can weather any storm.

Want to see how Prophet Nuh (AS) built a floating zoo? Check out the video below to see his incredible story unfold!

6. Adam & Ayan Find an Unusual Teacher

Feeling like school is tough?  Imagine learning EVERYTHING from scratch! That’s exactly what Adam (AS) and his wife Ayan (AS) had to do!  But don’t worry, they weren’t alone. They had a pretty amazing teacher – a bird!

What’s the big takeaway?  Learning is everywhere! This story reminds us that you can learn something new every day, even from the most unexpected places.  So keep your eyes (and ears!) open, you never know who (or what) your next teacher might be!

Want to see how Adam (AS) and Ayan (AS) learned from a feathered friend? Check out the video below to see their incredible story unfold!

7. The Story of Prophet Idris in Islam

Ever dreamed of being able to control the weather? Well, Prophet Idris (AS) might have had that power! He was also known for his incredible wisdom and knowledge.

What’s the big takeaway?  Knowledge is power! This story reminds us that the more we learn, the better equipped we are to face the world.  So keep asking questions, keep reading, and keep growing your amazing brain!

Want to see how Prophet Idris (AS) used his knowledge to do awesome things? Check out the video below to see his incredible story unfold!

8. The Double Duty Do-Gooder: Prophet Ilyas (AS)

Ever feel like you have a million things to do?  Well, Prophet Ilyas (AS) was a busy bee! He stood up for what he believed in, helped those in need, and even brought rain back to a land-facing drought.

What’s the big takeaway?  You can make a difference! This story reminds us that no matter how young you are, you can always use your voice and your actions to help others and make the world a better place.

Want to see how Prophet Ilyas (AS) juggled all his amazing tasks? Check out the video below to see his incredible story unfold!

The End: 8 Amazing Adventures You Won’t Want to Miss!

Phew! That was a whirlwind tour of some incredible stories, wasn’t it?  We met prophets with amazing dreams, people who stood up for what they believed in, and even some teamwork-championing ants! The best part? These Islamic stories for kids aren’t just fun to read, they’re packed with lessons that can help you navigate your own life’s journey.

Remember, even when things get tough, with a little faith, courage, and maybe some teamwork with your friends (or even some helpful ants!), you can achieve anything!

So, what are you waiting for? Dive deeper into these amazing tales by watching the videos below each story. You might just learn something new, be inspired to do something great, and maybe even have a little laugh along the way!